Happy marriage & family

Hi & salam!

My name is Fanny and I like to talk about the importance of the family, marriage and growing to be a rolemodel for the kids. I am a Finnish revert married to Indonesian. Together we have three sons, Alhamdulillah.

I hope you will find something interesting to read. Thank you for being here.

Here to hold space for fellow modest mothers

revert muslim notion template

Journaling pack for Muslim reverts

This comprehensive digital tool is crafted to guide you through the beautiful, yet sometimes challenging path of embracing Islam.


SHORTCUT BUTTONS FOR EFFORTLESS TASK ENTRIES ON THE GO! This makes it SUPER easy to track without having to see all your previous data. Keeping the process clear and simple.


Seperate database folders for

  • Reflecting on your journey as a Muslim
  • Learning and growth
  • Coping
  • Gratitude
  • Intention for tomorrow (where you can also create simple projects)
  • Health


Once you make a task entry – you will see the entry in its folder. This makes it easier to view every area of life seperately.

A FREE list of things that create stability

Stability in marriage & family – list

This is a clear Notion list of the things that create stability in the relationship and family.

Make a copy of the template and save it to your own Notion.

Stable marriage

Stable marriage - monthly tracker

This monthly tracker Notion template is designed to help you reflect on and improve your relationship. By consistently tracking your loving habits and evaluating your progress, you can work together to build a stronger, more fulfilling partnership.


  • Couples goal planner
  • Loving habits – monthly tracker
  • Reflecting on the improvement of the relationship
  • Bad habits – weekly tracker

20 x list for activities and ways to teach kids the love of Allah

With this list of ideas, it’s easier to include teaching the love of Allah to your kids in the everyday life.

20x teaching the love of Allah

7 ways to prepare for Ramadan 2025

Blogposts about teaching Islam to kids


What is your best advice in building a multicultural family life?

I would say that, remember that you are not in a hurry. Your best asset for the future might actually be building stability. If you are constantly in a hurry of trying to be all and get all, you might fall apart. Allah sees everything that is in your heart. Give yourself and your family time. Nothing is more precious than living in the moment and being grateful of the here and now.

Any advice for getting married with a man from another culture?

Remember humor and spend time in getting to know your spouses culture. This obviously is a two way street. It is really important to not get stuck in the cultural differences. We who live in a multicultural marriage have to develop a sense of self in the meeting of the cultures. We can’t say it’s my way or the highway. We need to learn to communicate effectively so that WE will be for the long term.

What is your best advice for feeling at home in a new country?

Food and comfort in the home. Try to find those comfort foods in the new culture as quickly as possible. Same goes into creating a safe space in the home. Home should be the place where you feel at peace from the uncertainty of the life situation. Try to be patient and mindful of the new situation. Know, that one day this new country will not be new anymore and InsyaAllah it will feel home.